We answer your questions
Find here your questions about Abattage Brisebois and our services.
If you cannot find your answer, do not hesitate to contact us.
Does Abattage Brisebois hold une civil liability insurance?
Yes, Abattage Brisebois has civil liability insurance of $2 million.
Do you offer emergency services ?
If you ever have to fell a tree or cut one or more branches urgently, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. A button at the top of the page allows you to call us. Note that in certain situations, Abattage Brisebois will not be able to respond to the request.
Do you offer different payment options ?
At Abattage Brisebois, we understand that sometimes tree felling or branch pruning can be a desirable unexpected budget. That's why we offer choices to pay with cash, debit or credit card. If you need financing, you will need to have a credit card.
Do I have to pay for a quote request?
When you make an appointment with Abattage Brisebois, an agent will contact you to agree on the day and time of the appointment.
Then, our estimator will come to your property and make you a price offer that you are free to refuse or accept, free of charge.
Do I have to dispose of the trash myself ?
At Abattage Brisebois, we know that it can be complicated and particularly trying to have to clean up your yard, even after tree felling or pruning work. That's why our team travels with all the necessary equipment to get rid of each piece of rubbish.
Is it possible to keep the cut wood for me?
As it is your tree, it is your wood. Sometimes customers want to keep the wood for heating or for other uses. At the customer's request, it is quite possible to leave your wood on site so that you can recover it.
The prices seem high to me, what justifies un tel price?
The profession of tree feller and pruner contains its share of danger and risk. That's why we have to remunerate our team properly. In addition, our services are fully insured. And not to mention, our work requires specialized tools and machinery which considerably increases the cost of felling and pruning services.
Is it possible to cut down or even prune a tree?
However, we strongly recommend that you do not attempt this work yourself if you do not have the necessary equipment or experience. Moreover, the pruner profession is one of the 4 to 6 most dangerous trades in Quebec .
Thus, without experience, you put your safety, that of your loved ones and your property, in danger
Is a permit necessary to carry out this kind of travaux
For most of our work, yes, you will need a permit which you can obtain from the town planning services in your area.
To learn more about our services, contact us.